Yay!  You have an Amaryllis.  What now?


Put your Amaryllis in the warmest part of your home.  They prefer temperatures over 70 degrees Fahrenheit and will stop growing if cooler than that.


Your Amaryllis also likes it bright.  Keep it in a bright spot so that the stem doesn’t have to stretch for light.  This will also prevent your bloom from getting too tall and toppling over.


Amaryllis like to drink around the holidays.  Lol.  Give your Amaryllis a diluted shot of vodka every once in a while for shorter, sturdier, stronger stems.  


Don’t overwater.  Water sparingly to prevent bulb rot.


Your Amaryllis will bloom around Christmastime.  Once bloomed, move your plant out of direct sunlight to prevent damage to the flowers.  


Enjoy!  Your Amaryllis may bloom more than once.  For expert growing tips and how to keep your Amaryllis year after year visit the following:


Tips On Storing Amaryllis Bulbs – How To Overwinter An Amaryllis Bulb (gardeningknowhow.com)


May You Always Have Fresh Flowers,


Kristin Hoskins

Three Way Flower Farm